As I sit with my cup of tea writing this, gazing into the gorgeous mountain landscape before me, I am reminded of something that I’ve just recently realized: I’m really happy.
I wouldn’t say that I had been unhappy necessarily, just unsatisfied, stuck, and a little burnt out. Since I’ve moved to the beautiful city of Asheville, North Carolina, though, all of that has been changing. I’ve met so many warm people and new friends, that I can hardly fit all the contacts in my phone. I’ve felt free for the first time in years, and it’s not just the liberating “I can do what I want” type of free, the inspiring type of free where you feel like you could walk any path you happen upon and be totally content with where it takes you.
It’s amazing.
Molly Drake, mother of the legendary songwriter Nick Drake, might know this feeling. Her music has been overshadowed by her son’s legacy, but she was an amazing artist in her own right, and now, thanks to Squirrel Thing Recordings and Nick’s producer John Wood, Molly’s elegant home recordings are being released (on vinyl!).
“Happiness” is the anthem for my morning. I hope you’re doing well, too, and if not, why not?