Vampire Weekend’s latest album, Modern Vampires of the City, was a game-changer for the New York-based band, so to speak. While it’s still quirky in spots, there is a new depth to these songs, like they give fucks about Oxford commas and the like. Here’s our favorite song, “Step.”
They’ll be rolling into St. Louis on Tuesday, September 24th with Sky Ferreira, who is also wonderful. So wonderful, that we need to listen to her, too.
Okay. Now that we’ve bummed you all out, let’s liven things up a bit: We have TWO pairs of tickets to give away to this SOLD OUT show. And there’s only ONE way to enter, which is through our Facebook page. Simply tell us this:
If you could re-name Vampire Weekend’s latest album, how would you fill in the blanks?
Modern ______ of the _______. (For example, Modern Bacon of the Supermarket. We realize that is dumb, and you can do way better.)
Leave us a message on our Facebook page. (Leaving on comment on our original post is fine.)
It can be as awesome as you want, just try to keep it clean.
The contest will run through September 20th at 5PM CST, and we’ll pick our two favorites and contact the winners later on that evening (if you enter through FB, we’ll announce your name on our FB page). Good luck!