Sunday marked the close of yet another Hopscotch Music Festival for those of us in North Carolina. It’s normal day of reflection here in the south, being the Sabbath and all, but it’s a time for us music junkies to look back at the now-gone-weekend of booze and debauchery, instead of praying out those sins that could stop us from breaching those pristinely polished pearly gates of goodness.
It’s also a day to sit around and discuss the things that you missed, due to either scheduling issues, or because your ass was halfway across town trying to catch up to your ever-moving group of friends…
I missed what many have called “THE SET” of Hopscotch 2013, by Durham’s Sylvan Esso. In fact, one text message received shortly after their set ended simply said. “Holy. Shit.” I wish I had been there. To make up for it though, I’m posting “Play it Right” as our Jam of the Day — which gives them the honor TWICE in a week’s time. Well worthy of the accolades — it’s also a lamb offered to the festival gods as penance.
Check it out below – and see them if you get a chance. They are now on tour with Justin Vernon’s Volcano Choir.